Know that your kid’s picky eating is not your...
✨👉🏼✨That’s my #1 tip, because if I can help you put that guilt away once and for all, the better it will be for you, and your sweet kid, and the sooner we will be on our way to finding joy in food!
😊Hi, I’m Melanie, a pediatric feeding specialist with over 25 years of experience. I can confidently share with you that after treating thousands of kids for picky eating (and even the most extreme picky eating) I have never met a parent who didn’t think they were somehow to blame. Stop. You’re a wonderful parent!❤️
✨Here’s what one of those parents said to me, and I’ll never forget it.
😔For years, her son was consisting on potato chips, french fries and a prescribed pediatric formula, and he was 8 years old. After a few sessions together, she told me this:
✨”Mel, I get it. This is not my fault. But, the change in HIM begins with the change in ME.”
🥰Wow. Smart, smart mom. So here’s what she did:
🧘🏼♀️She put on her best Academy Award-Winning performance and modeled calm when he didn’t eat, when he threw a tantrum or when he refused to eat at all at school. Inside, she was anxious, worried, and certain that he would starve. But she still modeled calm, and in turn, he also became much calmer. Meanwhile, we started implementing strategies.
💕Together, we worked on helping him tolerate having new foods on his plate, siting the in the cafeteria without hiding under the table and introduced him to cooking with his parents. We started small. We built from there. And all that time, she made a conscious effort to stop looking so worried, even if she still felt it inside.
✨👉🏼✨Her body language shifted from “He’s not going to eat it” to “I trust that he can do this.” Her feelings of guilt shifted from “This is my fault” to “He trusts me to help him get better.”
❤️❓❤️Tell me, what’s the one thing you worry most about, when it comes to your hesitant eater?
#melaniepotock #slpfeeding #feedingtherapy #feedinglittles #ashaigers #pickyeaters #arfidawareness